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30min dogsledding
Please select a date to get detailed pricing information.

Start times: 1300 (1pm), 1500 (3pm) or 1700 (5pm)

Time sledding: Approx. 30mins, total time: 1.5 - 2 hours

Max capacity 8 people

  • We meet at our kennel, and start with a short introduction to the dogs, and how to “mush”. We’ll harness the dogs and bring them to the teams.

  • 2 guests per sled: one driver and one passenger. Both persons can take turns driving the sled during the trip.

  • We run on our own trails, and will go through forests and hills in a beautiful winter landscape.

  • When we come back, we let the dogs run free in the running area and give them a well-deserved snack.

  • Hot drinks will be ready in the traditional fire hut.

  • Transport is not provided.